Alcohol addiction is characterized by excessive alcohol consumption, without regard to its effects on the body and daily activities. There are many effective ways to overcome alcohol addiction. From simple ways to medical assistance. Come, see the following review.
There are two types of alcohol addiction, namely substance abuse and substance dependence. Alcohol abuse, usually characterized by excessive consumption patterns of alcoholic beverages and negative effects on their daily lives.
It generally continues to consume alcohol without knowing the situation and condition, and regardless of the consequences, for example still drinking alcohol to get drunk while driving.
Over time, alcoholics need a higher amount of alcohol to be able to achieve the desired effect, reaching the stage of dependency.
Overcoming alcohol addiction can be a long process and requires strong intention, also supported by various treatments and therapies. The earliest step is to fight alcohol addiction and accept that this habit has had a negative impact on your life.
Overcoming Alcohol Addiction with Individual Strategies
There are several individual strategies you can take to overcome alcohol addiction, including:
- Environmental Factor
Be aware of environmental factors around you that can trigger you to consume alcohol again. You can start by telling your family and friends that you stop drinking alcohol. Ask for support from them to always remind your goals.
In addition, you may also need to distance yourself for a moment from friends, situations or places, which can make you consume alcohol again.
- Healthy Lifestyles
Apply a healthy lifestyle by eating regular and healthy food, exercising regularly, and good sleep patterns. This habit will help overcome alcohol addiction.
- Do Positive Activities
Avoid activities that involve alcohol. You can do your hobbies, for example farming or gardening, fishing, reading books, and other hobbies that do not involve alcohol.
In addition, you can support these efforts with activities such as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture. All those three activities can make you more relaxed and reduce the level of anxiety and stress, or depression that may be caused by stopping consuming alcoholic beverages.
Overcoming Alcohol Addiction with Medical Assistance
If you have tried various methods above and have not succeeded in getting out of alcoholism, then you should immediately see a doctor to get effective treatment according to your addiction level.
Here are some treatment options that you can do to overcome alcohol addiction:
- Detoxification
The detoxification program is the first and most important step towards getting out of alcoholism. Detoxification aims to remove alcohol from your system. Detoxification is done at the therapy center or hospital.
- Behavioral Counseling and Therapy
Most doctors will recommend you to a counselor or other alcohol addiction treatment program. This program aims to help you learn strategies and ways to overcome the urge to return to drinking.
Generally, the urge to go old habits gets stronger after you return to the environment. You can do counseling privately or in groups. Joining people who are experiencing the same thing will help you to support each other in overcoming alcohol addiction.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), will help you identify feelings and situations that can cause intention to drink alcohol. You will learn how to manage stress and change the thoughts that cause you to want to drink.
- Drugs
There are several medical drugs that are used to overcome alcohol addiction. These medicines include:
- Disulfiram is a drug that can be used as a supportive therapy for overcoming alcohol dependence.
- Acamprosate is the newest type of drug to help combat alcoholism. This drug changes brain chemistry in order to reduce anxiety, irritation, and addiction due to alcohol.
- Naltrexone, this drug works by blocking the “happy or comfortable” effect caused by alcohol in your brain. This will help you to feel unnecessary and reluctant to consume alcohol.
By combining these various treatment methods above could help you to get the best results to free from alcoholism. If there are friends or relatives suffering from alcohol addiction, be sure to always provide support in all their efforts.
*USA Health Articles does not provide health advice, diagnosis or treatment.