Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy: Is it Normal?

Know the difference between normal vaginal discharge and abnormal vaginal discharge in pregnant women



When entering pregnancy, there are indeed a lot of complaints that you will feel. Starting from changes in body shape, discomfort, itching, and many others.

Some complaints are normal. Meanwhile, other complaints may not be normal. One of them is vaginal discharge. When pregnant, it is very natural that you will experience more vaginal discharge.

What you need to watch out for are signs of vaginal discharge that are not normal. Especially at a young gestational age. If it is not handled seriously, vaginal discharge during pregnancy will actually have a negative impact on the fetus.

To distinguish between normal and abnormal vaginal discharge, will discuss vaginal discharge during early pregnancy in more detail below.

How is normal vaginal discharge?

Leukorrhea (leucorrhoea British English) in pregnant women is generally normal. Usually in young pregnancy or the first trimester, pregnant women will experience a lot of vaginal discharge.

The cause of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is an increase in estrogen levels and blood flow to the vagina. In early pregnancy, this fluid will fill the cervical canal to create protective mucus that looks like egg white.

Towards labor or childbirth, this mucus will increase, to become a lubricant that makes labor easier.

Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leukorrhea. It is thin, clear or milky white in color, and has a mild smell. Leukorrhea is normal and you don’t need to worry about it.

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What is abnormal vaginal discharge?

If the discharge is green or yellowish, has a strong smell, or is accompanied by redness and itching in the vagina, you must be vigilant. Because, maybe you have an infection.

One of the most common vaginal infections during pregnancy is candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection.

Quoted from, pregnancy can disturb the pH balance of the vagina, so that pregnant women are prone to experiencing yeast infections during pregnancy.

Cited from, it is important to visit a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the vagina,
  • unbearable itching,
  • bleeding (not just spots),
  • a rash or sores along with vaginal discomfort,
  • a burning sensation when you urinate or have sex,
  • strong odor coming from the vagina.

What are the dangers if vaginal discharge is ignored?

Leukorrhea during pregnancy due to candidiasis yeast infection can lead to various complications in pregnancy if not treated. Possible risks such as premature rupture of the membranes, preterm labor, or placenta previa.

So, if you find signs as described earlier, it’s better to immediately contact your obstetrician for further treatment.

How to deal with vaginal discharge during pregnancy?

If you experience vaginal discharge during pregnancy due to a yeast infection, your doctor will usually give you medicine in the form of creams, oral medications, or ointments.

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However, if the cause of vaginal pregnancy discharge is bacteria, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics that are safe for consumption by pregnant women.

After the vaginal discharge heals, it does not mean that you will not have vaginal discharge again. Due to hormonal changes that occur in your body, the vagina will continue to produce excess fluid until the end of pregnancy. So what you can do to avoid vaginal discharge are as follows:

  • Wear comfortable underwear made of cotton.
  • Change underwear frequently to avoid the vaginal area becoming damp. If it is not possible to change your underwear too often, you can use a panty liner. However, it is advisable not to use it too often.
  • Dry the genitals completely after bathing, swimming, or exercising.
  • Wash sex organs properly, from front to back, not the other way around. And don’t use soap that contains perfume or feminine cleansing soap, because it can affect the balance of good bacteria and pH in the vagina.
  • Add yogurt and other fermented foods to your diet to create healthy bacteria that are good for your body.

These are the differences between normal and abnormal vaginal discharge during pregnancy. After knowing normal and abnormal vaginal discharge, you can determine whether the vaginal discharge you are currently experiencing is still safe or needs to be treated by a doctor. So, there is no need to be afraid of excess vaginal discharge during pregnancy.


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